Alec Soth, Starting at The End

I’ve been reading through Alec Soth’s archived blog. I’d read the first three pages, starting with the last post and working backwards. It turns out this is an odd way to read a journal. Much like reading Time’s Arrow by Martin Amis, everything is happening in reverse and any growth observed feels more like regression. So I stopped. I’m now just 1 page into 33 pages which contains roughly 330 posts.


In the last year, I’ve immersed myself in photography, sparked by photographs, that for the most part were made with a small point-and-shoot digital camera while traveling with my wife. The photographs weren’t great, but I saw the potential to create images–without the complications of using film, plus it seemed like the perfect outlet for my semi-dormant desire to simply create.

During this time, I’ve made a point of jotting down notes: about my own work, reactions to others work (both written and photographic), and some ideas for possible projects. One of the things I enjoy about photography on the web is the access to information. I hope to accomplish two things: First to learn more about myself as a photographer by organizing and publishing my thoughts, and second, to give back a little to a community which has helped me in so many ways. Hopefully some of my posts will find there way to a few interested readers and if I’m lucky will generate some thoughtful conversation.

No fanfare, no coordinated media blitz, just this simple post to get it started, and this quote, taken completely out of context but completely relevant:

You miss 100% of the shots you never take
–Wayne Gretzky